Save $25 with my coupon code and Pay Only $12 for an Opt in and 10 day eCourse…read below
What is this Personal Finance PLR?
Unfortunately, most people are not taught how to manage their personal finances. They go out into the world and start racking up debt with no idea how to get out of it.
With this done-for-you content bundle, you’ll be able to teach your audience what personal finance is, how to manage it in their life and how to protect themselves against fraud.
In this content bundle, you’ll have a report that you can use as an opt-in and a 10 day eCourse that answers some of the frequently asked questions that you can use as an email sequence that starts going out after they opt into the report.
Done-For-You Personal Finance Report & eCourse Content Bundle
Get It All For $37!
BUT WAIT! – With this coupon code you can get $25 OFF – YOU PAY ONLY $12 FOR ALL THIS!
Enter COUPON CODE: 2021 at checkout
This is a great deal, especially with the discount.
There is a one-time offer that is worth taking too before you complete checkout – The Coupon discount more than covers this bonus offer!!