Expanding Your VA Business

As a virtual assistant it’s very easy to fall into the trap of working around the clock and doing everything all on your own. If you’re getting lots of clients and repeat work, that’s fantastic and speaks dividends about your services. How about now using that to your advantage? Expanding your VA business makes sense on all levels – you’ll have the ability to grow a client base, you’ll have a pool of other VAs to help you on a regular or as-needed basis, and you can slowly make the transition into being more of a manager rather than doing all the work yourself. Here are a few tips to… Read More

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Five Tips to Creating E-products

While the dot-com boom has pretty well subsided, savvy businessmen and women are still making a pretty penny using the internet. The key to making money is to know what you’re doing and how to market yourself. One great way to make money is through e-products. Here are five tips on how to achieve it: 1. Go with what you know – There are certain products online that are going to sell better than others. You can probably figure out what these are just by looking at the number of available products. The problem is if you go with a popular topic, you’re going to have to compete with a… Read More

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The Effect of Your Emotions on Your Business

Business and emotions don’t really seem to mix very well. But as emotions are a daily part of our lives, short of becoming robotic, you may be faced with the two intermingling at some point in your career. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track and overcome emotions in your business life. #1 – Take a deep breath – If you’re having a bad day or particular difficulties at home, it may not be easy to switch back into business mode, but it can be done. Breathing is an effective strategy for all sorts of issues such as panic attacks, anger control or simply switching back… Read More

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Effective Outsourcing and Your Internet/Home-Based Business

Many of today’s internet or home-based business owners can easily become swamped with the amount of daily tasks before them. Some manage to do well online while at the same time having time for themselves or their family. These people have discovered the value of outsourcing. Not only does it allow you to get all tasks accomplished but gives you the opportunity to work on those items you enjoy most. The little tasks which consume so much of your time can be passed to your VA as well as your contracted employees. In order to achieve your desired level of success, consider outsourcing some of the tasks. This will enable… Read More

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How to Sustain Profits by Creating New Products and Services Related to Your Business

One of the most important ways to sustain profits in your niche-related business is to create new products and service that your targeted audience will be eager to buy. You can accomplish this in a number of ways. The most obvious is the new product launch. If you know your niche well, chances are you should have a pretty good idea of what they really need and how much they are willing to pay for it. In other words, you will only create products that you are certain will sell. If you are not sure, take the time to survey the people on your email list/s or poll them at… Read More

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Effective Ways to Use Email Marketing

Most businesses in today’s technological world use email to some extent in the daily workings of their company or business life. It has proven to be not only an effective, but also a cost-efficient way to keep in touch with business contacts, whether in the same building or around the world. However, many companies have yet to realize the marketing potential they have at their fingertips when it comes to email. You can do much more with email that sending a company notice or memo regarding the next team meeting. Let’s consider some of the other ways email can be used from a marketing standpoint: * Launching new products. This… Read More

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How to Position Yourself as a Thought Leader in Your Niche

There a number of effective ways to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche without spending a fortune on marketing. The first step is to know your niche inside and out. What do your customers want and need most? What are their pain points, that is, their most important problems that they need to solve? Customers are looking for solutions that actually work and offer good value for money. They are constantly asking the question, “What’s in it for me?” With so many websites and businesses online, you need to answer that question from the moment they show up at your website or discover one of your products… Read More

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Start an Online Editing Business

Nowadays, it’s become much easier to get an editing business off the ground. That’s because there are people all over the Internet looking for well-written original content, and that content needs to be edited. Getting going is generally just a matter of finding yourself a loyal customer base. Do you have an eye for detail? Do you demand perfection? Do you have experience writing or editing? Then starting your own editing company may just be perfect for you. Having an editing business is a great for people who need to make money while still having a flexible schedule. You will have deadlines, but when and where you work is almost… Read More

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How to Get Current Customers to Refer You to Others

According to current marketing wisdom, one unhappy customer will tell 7 other people about their bad experience with a product or business. A happy customer will only tell 1 other person about their great experience. How can you beat these odds to get more of your satisfied customers to spread the word about your products and services? The first way is to produce excellent content in a range of formats useful to the prospects in your niche, including: – Articles – Special reports on hot topics in your niche – Videos on YouTube – Images/infographics – Webinars – PowerPoint presentations on Slideshare (now owned by Linkedin) – Emalls in your… Read More

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Effecttive Ways to Partner with Influencers in Your Niche or Industry

Many new business owners get so excited at the thought of starting their own profitable company online that they do not look before they leap. They come up with what they think is a great new idea and start to try to sell it without doing proper market research to determine demand and what customers in the niche are willing to pay for products. Other new business owners go to the opposite extreme and steer clear of certain top-earning niches because they think there is too much competition. One of the best ways to put yourself head and shoulders above the competition even in a crowded niche is to link… Read More

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