How to get FREE images for your Blog or PLR content
‘How to get FREE images for your Blog or PLR content?
When you buy PLR it mostly comes without images either to support the content or for the accompanying social media or blog posts, many of us end up questioning how to get FREE images for your Blog or PLR content?
I always try to include images with the PLR content I create on For example, while creating my tech neck PLR pack I was able to take some photographs in the hospital and used some images from my own x-rays. This was possible as I have personal experience as a sufferer of this condition. In fact, I only really write about subjects that I feel I know well enough. It makes the research easier and the writing better. You can pick up my Tech Neck PLR here.
Sometimes it is not practical or even possible to use your own images but you can’t just do a google image search and use any image you find. Even searching for creative commons or royalty free images is not a reliable way to ensure you can legally use an image.
I have put together a list of my current top 3 reliable sources for high quality and really license free – and free in the financial sense too. These images are great for your blog posts for your out of the box or repurposed PLR digital products.
My Top 3
I know of around 20 similar sites, some have more complicated license restrictions and I haven’t actually used them. So, in order to answer the question ‘How to get FREE images for your Blog or PLR content?’ check out my current Top 3 sites below
Ryan McGuire of Bells Design has gifted the world with Gratisography. The site offers a searchable selection of free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. Pictures are added regularly and cover a range of themes and styles are totally free of copyright restrictions. Full packs can be downloaded for a fee to cover Ryan’s costs. There are some unique and quirky images in here which are surprisingly adaptable with a bit of creative thought and planning.
2 Pixabay
Self-described as ‘Free images and videos you can use anywhere – Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing copyright free images and videos. All contents are released under Creative Commons CC0, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist – even for commercial purposes.’
The images are great quality and no attribution required
Jeffrey Betts has provided a wonderful selection of photographs and videos in a range of categories and says ‘They can be freely downloaded, used, and redistributed for both personal and commercial purposes. Credit or attribution is not required under this license, however, we always love a shout out. It spreads the word about MMT and the photos/videos that are available.’ sounds fair to me!
The desk and technology photographs are excellent.
The Best Kept Secrets to Creating a Professional Course Website
I have recently got interested in creating online courses, I used to be put off by the setup fees and the time-consuming course building tools but recently I came across thinkific and I was absolutely blown away.
I signed up for a free account expecting to be able to just create my course like an online presentation, but I found that even on the free account it had every feature I could imagine, and some that I had never even thought about. They are running a Free Training Session about building a professional course website to build your authority so this is a great opportunity to see what I am talking about
Of course, the ability to create Audio Courses, Video Courses, text-based courses was there, but in an amazingly intuitive and simple user interface. But also Intro and exit surveys to enable you to manage students expectations and gain valuable feedback. But that’s not all! Thinkific also allows you to seperate courses in to chapters or modules, add a quiz whereever you want, there is more; a student forum, ability to accept payments – REMEMBER THIS IS A FREE ACCOUNT – and what really BLEW me away was A FREE website with content management builder system like wixx. and a FREE landing Page FOR EACH COURSE you Create (still Free) and a configurable subdomain. Mine is I made it in 10 mins after finding the thinkific site. They are running free training about this, for details and to register, click here
You can Upload your own images – style the page headers, title, content, call to action sections and buttons. The paid account gives more granular control over all these elements such as more page templates.
I only stand by tools I believe in or use myself. And I’m a huge fan of Thinkific. Honestly, I can’t think of another way to scale a business more quickly and easily.
I know that there are many other course creation platforms out there. But none of them are like Thinkific. Not only do they allow you to deliver an incredible learning experience for your audience, they also make it easy for you to create that beautiful course website, I mentioned, that makes your brand look professional and really helps build your authority.
Thinkific is not only great for course providers but is also brilliantly designed with the student experience in mind and built from the ground up specifically for education products.
So I really want to share this special training session they’re running on Creating A Beautiful and Professional Course Website, which is going to be happening on June 7th at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern.
You can register for free here → Register for Free
The official email I got from thinkific says:
Aaron and Paddy, our two resident online course experts, will be sharing the best kept secrets on building a professional course website to build your authority so you can take your business to the next level.
You’ll learn:
- Why you need a course website to help your potential customers evaluate and buy your products
- Why most course websites fail, and how you can avoid the same mistakes
- How to easily and quickly build a high performing course website without hiring a designer
Join the training webinar here
Get the free thinkfic trainingGive Them What They Want
Give Them What They Want – And How To Find Out What That Is
It may sound obvious but to make people happy you need to Give Them What They Want! Effective marketing boils down to this: Find an audience, figure out what they need or want and then deliver it.
Email is one of the best mediums to help you do just that. And it isn’t always about selling them on a product. In fact, that isn’t at all where you want to start.
First, you want to build a relationship with your readers. You want them to get to know you. You want to help them out so they start to like you and trust you. Only then will you be able to make an offer and have them pull out their wallet and buy it.
Pay attention to your website stats. Programs like Google Analytics can give you a lot of information about where you’re readers came from, what page they landed on and where they were on your site when they joined your list. That data along with demographical information will tell you a lot about your audience.
As you start to email your readers, they will reply and get back in touch with you. Pay attention to what they’re saying. And don’t forget to read between the lines. Let’s say you’re in the parenting niche and you noticed that some of your readers are asking for suggestions on being a more patient parent. They complain about being short temperate and freaking out about little things. The real issue may be lack of sleep because the baby or toddler isn’t sleeping through the night.
Dig deep and see what you can learn about your market. Sometimes what they tell you they want isn’t the real issue. On the flip side, it can be helpful to ask them for suggestions. Keep the questions open-ended if you want a lot to work with.
Or consider having your readers fill out a simple little survey. It’s quick and easy to do with Google forms. You get some good data and you get your readers to interact. Having them contribute builds a sense of community even via email.
Last but not least go back and look at the past emails you’ve sent. Pay attention to open rates, click through rates and unsubscribes. If a large percentage of readers opened the email, that’s a good indication they were interested in the topic. If they clicked the link to additional content, that’s even better. If on the other hand, you got a lot of unsubscribes, that might be an indication that either the topic was wrong or your language and the overall message didn’t click with your audience.
Use all the data and information you get back to learn more about your target audience and connect with them on a deeper level. The more you know about your subscribers, the more effective your email marketing will be, remember to Give Them What They Want!
5 Tips For Compelling Subject Lines
5 Tips For Compelling Subject Lines
The first thing you need to get right when it comes to email marketing is the subject line. If you can’t get your subscribers to open your emails, it really doesn’t matter how good the actual email is. So I put together 5 tips for compelling subject lines.
It’s easy to spend a lot of time crafting a great message and then just slap a subject line on it at the end. Spend some time writing them and see what type of headline gets you good open rates. Here are five tips for compelling subject lines to get you started.
Keep It Short
You want your readers to see the entire subject line before they click it. You also want to make it easy for people to scan through their emails. Try to get your point across in 50 characters or less. Pay attention to how your subject lines look on your own devices.
Avoid “Spammy” Words
The second of our tips for compelling subject lines Stay away from using any words we all associate with spam emails. Words like “sale”, “discount”, “coupon”, “free”, “limited time offer” and even “reminder” are over used and even if they don’t trigger a spam filter and actually make it to your reader’s inbox, chances are high they’ll get ignored.
Instead, start by using the emails you’re saving in your swipe file and then go back and see what subject lines got the best open rates. Try to analyze why they worked well for your market. Not everything will work well in every niche. Find the types of subject lines that get your readers to open your emails and tweak from there.
Personalize It
While personalizing emails with someone’s first name has been overused in some markets, it still works well for many of us. Give it try and see if it works for you. Don’t overdo it, but use it when you really need them to open the email.
Depending on what data you collect when your readers sign up, you can personalize other things like their location for example. Seeing the name of your state or even city in an email subject line is sure to get your attention.
Pique Their Curiosity
The fourth of our tips for compelling subject lines is one that hits straight at human emotions. We are all nosy and it’s hard to ignore subject lines that sound intriguing or only tell part of the story. Using “…” at the end of your subject line will also work.
The idea here is simple. You want them to click and open the email to find out what the heck you’re talking about or how the story ends.
Wear their Shoes
Another great idea is to keep a swipe file of subject lines that grabbed your attention. Even if the emails are on a very different topic, you can adapt them to your own needs. Frankly, the best tip when it comes to crafting compelling subject lines is to keep a swipe file of examples that got you to open the email.
Big Guys Marketing, Small Guys Budget Using ROPE
Today on the Plr-Printables Blog I want to share my ROPE method for PLR.
Following this simple framework you will find out how you can use PLR for Content Marketing just like the Big Guys, but without paying a fortune.

As you probably know, large companies use content marketing to drive traffic to their websites – why? – Because it works!
As а small business owner, you may be forgiven for thinking content marketing is not for you. But in today’s busy and noisy always connected world уоu need tо get noticed, so why not copy the proven successful tactics and methods of those large corporations, The Big Guys- and start to publish high quality, useful content on the variety оf online platforms available within your Small Guy Budget.
I know what you are thinking;
Writing content takes time!I don’t have writing experience!
But, neither does every person in every corporation!
So what do the Big Guys do?
They hire someone!
As a small business, you probably cannot afford to hire a full-time content guy, or girl.
Sure, you can hire a freelance writer to write a couple of articles or an eBook for you. But that may end up costing you even more! So what’s the solution?
Private Label Rights! Yes, PLR
There are hundreds of thousands of free and paid PLR Articles to be found online. Most of the free PLR content is either, outdated, poorly written or full of errors but paid PLR although inexpensive is also, in many cases, not ideal.
It is either too general or too specific. That is one of the reasons why many people disregard PLR.
In this Blog, I want to share with you some ways that уоu саn use PLR content tо work for уоur business, without spending a lot of money, and also tell you about the method I use, so you can make the most of your PLR content.
I call this the ROPE Method for PLR
By its very nature, you are free to do whatever PLR content, break it up into smaller Social Media posts or turn it into something else completely like an infographic or eBook – if it is an ebook try breaking it up into articles. The only limit is your imagination. But you can turn one quality PLR article into a number of different things and if you get great evergreen content you can republish it. Remember not everyone who follows your blog has been reading since day one.
You can organise content however you wish! Take an article and split it into 3 or 10 points and make a “10 Things about”, or “Top 3 things you should be doing” article. Readers like this type of content as it is easy to consume, reading shouldn’t feel like a chore – so alway’s try to look at things from your reader’s point of view.
PLR content, even that written for a narrow niche, is by design general in the way it was written. Why? Because it wasn’t written EXACTLY with you in mind, just someone like you. So when using PLR content be sure to add your personal touch, talk about your business and try to keep the tone of your content consistent. If you are genuinely blogging about your business or interest then you are the expert, use personal experience to make the content more relevant to you. Your readers will know that you really understand them and they will trust what you say, and keep coming back.
PLR articles, Free or Paid, usually run from between 300 – 500 words which are okay for a simple blog post but not really long enough so it is a good idea to up the word count by expanding the content. Take your PLR article and write some more about each point raised. It is much easier than you think. I used to do this when I got writer’s block – use a short story or anecdote and build upon it. You can do this a number of times and before you know it you will have a long article that people will believe you wrote. What I liked to do also was run it through a plagiarism checker – to make sure it is unique.
Why don’t you try out the ROPE method for PLR now and see how easy it is:
ROPE – Repurpose, Organise, Personalize, Expand
About PLR
What is PLR?
PLR or “private label rights“ is a type of license. If you buy article or product with a PLR License it means that you have special rights to it. You can use it in a number of different ways without having to credit the author of the article or source of the product.
Why use PLR?
There are many uses for PLR content and many things you can do with it. For example you can take PLR and rewrite it, add PLR articles together to make an eBook, break lengthy PLR content apart and create smaller articles or just re edit it to suit your own purpose.
The possibilities are almost endless you can add your own links, make a niche site, make an eBook, an infographic. Use it to get your blog started, or drive traffic to your landing page or website. Make a newsletter, Fill a blank blog and generate traffic to boost your adSense earnings.
PLR content, can be great, but it can also be very bad.
There are a number of FREE PLR sites that list thousands of articles but I wouldn’t recommend that you use content from them, AS-IS if you care about your audience. I will post some ways that you can still use that FREE content without ‘selling out’ yourself and losing readers quicker than you thought possible.
Don’t despair! You can find high quality ‘niche articles’ or limited release content, and content that is well written using correct grammar and spelling.
I have a collection of FREE PLR articles here on that I am happy to share with my audience, because I DO care. And it is ready to use with just a few minimal tweaks.
And I also have some really HIGH QUALITY paid PLR for you!
Welcome to
What is PLR?
PLR or “private label rights“ is a type of license. If you buy article or product with a PLR License it means that you have special rights to it. You can use it in a number of different ways without having to credit the author of the article or source of the product.
Not to be confused with Public Lending Rights
Public lending rights are, the license agreement for Libraries around the world, the agreement between book publishers and libraries for lending books
Why use PLR?
There are many uses for PLR content and many things you can do with it. For example you can take PLR and rewrite it, add PLR articles together to make an eBook, break lengthy PLR content apart and create smaller articles or just re edit it to suit your own purpose.
The possibilities are almost endless you can add your own links, make a niche site, make an eBook, an infographic. Use it to get your blog started, or drive traffic to your landing page or website. Make a newsletter, Fill a blank blog and generate traffic to boost your adSense earnings.
PLR content, can be great, but it can also be very bad. There are two ways to look at the PLR license;
1) you get all the benefits I mentioned previously
2) so does everyone else who buys it.
There are a number of FREE PLR sites that list hundreds of articles but I wouldn’t recommend that you use content from them, AS-IS if you care about your audience. I will post some ways that you can still use that FREE content without ‘selling out’ yourself and losing readers quicker than you thought possible.
Don’t despair! You can find high quality ‘niche articles’ or limited release content, and content that is well written using correct grammar and spelling.
I have a collection of FREE PLR articles here on that I am happy to share with my audience, because I DO care. And it is ready to use with just a few minimal tweaks.
And I also have some really HIGH QUALITY paid PLR that I can link you to.